Let’s Build A House!

Question: Can you build a house?

I can. Just joking!

These days, houses are being built so fast, the builders can’t seem to catch up with supply and demand! Everyone, at least most people, want to own a house, right? Of course. If you want to buy a house that is not built yet, you can visit a developers’ office where you will see an array of different homes for your purchasing pleasure.

Depending on what you can afford, you can get a house for 1600, 1800, 2500 square feet, etc. They’ll throw in a free stainless-steel stove or wooden floors in exchange for something else. You will never meet friendlier people than sales representatives at developers’ offices. All you will see are the pure ivory teeth smiling back at you as they wait for you to sign their agreement to purchase a home.

You will even be escorted through model suites to give you a ‘feel’ of what your home will be like.

So, you sign on the dotted line and buy the house of your dreams.

Maybe, like most of my friends, you want to check the progress and drive by the empty lot from time to time and see how the construction is going.

They’ve started! You’re excited.

But then time passes on and the house is not ready at the agreed upon completion date. Then, once you move in, you realize your bedroom is not properly insulated, it is always cold, and you can hear what someone is saying in the room next to you because the walls were made too thin!

The fence you saw in the backyard of the model suite was not included in the price.

The basement is not finished. Did you read the fine print when you signed on the dotted line?

However, from the outside, the house looks great!

In this day and age, everything is done fast. We expect to get what we want now and for the price we want it for. This new speedy, ‘microwave’ service could end up costing us more in the end.

Sometimes we need to slow down, take our time, do some research. It might help us make better decisions in the long run. Yes, it might take longer to save the money to afford to do things more efficiently, but it will be worth it!!

What about personal home? You know..the place you reside in day in and day out? I’m talking about your mind..your thoughts. Sometimes we look ‘IG ready’ on the outside but that could be because filters are our friends! On the inside, we could be struggling with depression and anxiety, and many other things.

I would like to encourage you to take inventory on what you are housing in your mind. Make sure your thoughts have thick walls of protection from anything negative. Insulate your heart with thoughts of peace, thoughts of joy, thoughts of love. And finally, don’t be a hoarder of past pains, struggles, and despair. Throw them out! It may be time to renovate!

Adôlé Dawn

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Thank you for visiting my website and I hope you enjoyed my first book, Let’s Check our Breath! Some of you may be wondering, what is this website about? So am I! Just joking! However, I am truly...