Welcome to Adoledawn.com!

Thank you for visiting my website and I hope you enjoyed my first book, Let’s Check our Breath! Some of you may be wondering, what is this website about? So am I! Just joking! However, I am truly new to all of this so feel free to join me as we navigate life interests together. My hope is that this site will be informative, encouraging and of course, FUN! I would love to hear from you! Drop me a line or a comment below and stay tuned! More books and blogs are coming. May your best day be EVERY DAY!

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Let’s Build A House!

Let’s Build A House!

Question: Can you build a house? I can. Just joking! These days, houses are being built so fast, the builders can’t...

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Let’s Build A House!

Let’s Build A House!

Question: Can you build a house? I can. Just joking! These days, houses are being built so fast, the builders can’t seem to catch up with supply and demand! Everyone, at least most people, want to...